Doctor Who: Series 2

I just finished Doctor Who series 2 on Netflix.

I have to admit, David Tennent totally grew on me as the Doctor. I friggin love his comic delivery and wise ass comments. This season had some seriously awesome episodes. Sadly, it also had some really stupid episodes as well. The buzzword for series 2 was Torchwood. In the episode Tooth and Claw, the Doctor and Rose meet the queen and save her from a werewolf entity. She creates Torchwood to protect crown and country from otherworldly enemies. It was nice to see the origins of Torchwood and get a little history. This season cleared up a few of the questions I had from watching the show Torchwood, like who was Ianto’s cyberwoman girlfriend and what was the battle of Canary Wharf?

As mentioned, there were a few standout episodes that blew me away. First and foremost was a two-parter called The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit. Doc and Rose arrive on a planet that is orbiting a black hole. There is a mysterious energy source holding the planet in place and keeping it from being sucked into the black hole. There is a research team there trying to discover what this energy is by digging into the core of the planet. Long story short, the Devil was imprisoned in a pit at the core of this planet millennia ago (before time) and is now trying to escape. The two-part episode was so well written and executed that it felt a lot like watching a feature length horror film.

Unfortunately, they followed up this amazing featurette with a couple really bad episodes like Love and Monsters about a group of Doctor enthusiasts that meet in a basement and then get eaten by a lame alien reminiscent of Mike Meyer’s Austin Powers character Fat Bastard.

And the episode Fear Her about a little girl possessed by an alien that lets her kidnap children by drawing them.

The Show redeems itself with another two-part episode with Army of Ghosts and Doomsday which acted as the season finale. I honestly got choked up (and maybe got a little teary-eyed) at the end of Doomsday when Rose and the Doctor are forever separated after Rose is sucked into an alternate dimension. I loved Rose! Not just because she was amazingly attractive, but because she was just a fun character and complemented the Doctor so well.

(I just got choked up again rewatching the clip)

I’m going to really miss Rose. But this is Doctor Who and I know it wont be the end of her. I’ve started the 3rd series (couldn’t stand Donna) and so far like Martha Jones.

What a ride!

Posted on February 29, 2012, in Television and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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