Top 10 Celebrity Crushes

Once again my insomnia (or whatever it is) had me up until 4am again. This time I was just randomly watching videos on youtube and stumbling (stumble upon is crack… and if we learned anything from Whitney it’s that crack is whack!). At some point I came across a top 25 celebrity crush list that someone had posted somewhere, and it got me thinking. If I had to pick my top 10 celebrity crushes, those celebs that if given the chance I would run away and join the circus with, who would they be? So after much deliberation and brain scratching here is what I came up with.

10. Jenna Marbles

Okay… Jenna Marbles might not be a celebrity in the strictest “household name” sense of the word, but she does have an enormous following on her youtube channel(s). I discovered Jenna not too long ago after a friend posted one of her videos and it literally had me in tears. Jenna has a gift for breaking things down and putting some great biting commentary on them. Not only is she gorgeous, educated (masters in sport psychology and counseling), and friggin hilarious, she is also about as real and honest (or as real and honest as a stranger on the internet can be) a person as they come. I love that she says what she thinks whether people like it or not. She isn’t afraid to use bad words. I love bad words! And she is just a silly, dorky, person that can laugh at herself as easily as at other people. Life is too short to take shit too seriously and whenever I’m in a bad mood and need cheering up Jenna’s channel is one of my first stops. A few minutes of watching Jenna explain the idiosyncrasies of life always seems to put me back in a sun-shiny mood.

9. Kari Byron from Myth Busters

Okay, Not only is Kari Byron a sexy as hell ginger, but she can do math and science and shit. AND she knows how to blow stuff up! If that isn’t sexy I don’t know what is!

8. Team Unicorn

From left to right: Milynn Sarley, Michelle Boyd, Rileah Vanderbilt, and Clare Grant.

Right, well technically Team Unicorn is 4 women, but still. Each and every one of these beautiful geeks has major geek cred of their very own. They are all avid gamers, comic book collectors, cos-players, and all around nerds. They pretty much epitomize the phrase Unicorn (an attractive geeky girl that, like a unicorn, should not actually exist). Milynn has a youtube channel where she talks about video games and geek culture. Michelle Boyd has a Bachelor of Science degree in Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior from the University of California, Davis. Rileah is an actress and producer. And Clare Grant is married to Seth Green who is the creator of Robot Chicken and is the voice of Chris Griffin on Family Guy. I first came into contact with these lovely ladies from their video geek and gamer girls, a parody of Katy Perry’s California Girls. Although I was familiar with Michelle Boyd from her role in The Guild.

7. Jennifer Garner-The Alias Years

I may have mentioned once or twice that I am a huge J.J. Abrams fanboi. It all started with a little show called Alias. There have been a few shows like Alias since Alias went off the air (Nikita, Covert Affairs) but Alias will always be my first true love. Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow was amazing. She could go from vulnerable coed to highly skilled super spy capable of kicking your ass six ways from Sunday in a heartbeat. I heard recently there were talks of doing either a reboot or a continuation of Alias as a new network show. If Jen is involved you can bet your ass I will be right there tuning in the night it airs.

Honorable Mention here: Melissa George and Rachel Nichols

6.Yvonne Strahovski

I’m starting to think I might have a small soft spot for hot spies. Yvonne is the leading lady on the television show Chuck, which is quite possibly one of the best shows on television today (and wouldn’t ya know it… the brain trust in charge is cancelling it). Yvonne is another actress that is capable of going from sweet, coy wiener girl to ass kicking secret agent before you can ask for fries with that. Not only is she a super hot super spy, she is also a native Australian and has a mega sexy accent. Add being the voice and likeness of Miranda Lawson in Mass Effect 2 and you have me completely sold!

5. Anne Hathaway

Are you serious right now!? Could she be any hotter? I have loved just about everything I have seen Anne in. I even enjoyed The Princess Diaries and Ella Enchanted (*hands over man card*). I particularly enjoyed her *ahem* performance in love and other drugs (it was actually a good movie even without her being topless for like the first twenty minutes of the movie).  She was awesome in Get Smart, okay in Alice in Wonderland (mostly just because the whole movie was just okay), and amazing in Rachel Getting married. And now she is going to be a sexy, leather clad Catwoman! Meow! Beyond her career as an actress she is active and passionate about equal rights and marriage equality for homosexuals which, even though I’m straight, is one of my biggest issues.

4. Natalie Portman

What’s not to love about Natalie Portman? Harvard grad and an incredible actress (although, I’m sorry to say Natalie… even you couldn’t save Thor from being a travesty) with such an amazingly versatile range. I have never been disappointed by any performance she has put on film. Even in some of the terrible movies she has been in (Star wars et. al., Thor, Your Highness) I have been okay with her performances. She can go from humorous to absolutely serious to soul crushingly tragic. All I can say is Black Swan. Wow was she amazing! She is just fearless. Now… my biggest wet dream when it comes to Natalie Portman would be a sequel to Leon (or The Professional if you prefer the Americanized version) where she returns as a grown up Matilda and just fucks shit up! Make it happen Luc Besson!

And of course, let us not forget her musical talents…

3. Ginnifer Goodwin

I know Ginnifer has made her rounds on the indie circuit and was on Big Love on HBO, a show I’ve never watched, but it was only recently that I came to be aware of her via Once Upon a Time. Once Upon a Time is a show created by a pair of the writers from Lost (a J.J. Abrams show that I loved). At first I was skeptical of the show but got hooked on it almost immediately. It does have it’s rocky parts, but over all it is quite awesome. Ginnifer plays Snow White/Sister Mary Margret in the show and does it in turns as a complete badass (Snow) and absolutely adorable, and quietly sexy (Mary Margret). I really hope the networks don’t fuck it up by cancelling another good show before it has a chance to become a great show.

2. Emma Stone

So what if she isn’t really a redhead… she is still absolutely hot! I love her sultry voice, her killer eyes… drool. Not only can she kick zombie ass and kick it with Spiderman, but she can drop a joke like nobody’s business. I read that there was a script for Zombieland 2 in the final stages but that it isn’t a sure thing that it will ever get made. Hopefully it gets made and Emma Stone is back in the undead killing business.

And last, but certainly not least…

1. Felicia Day

Some people might know her from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (I’m also a Joss Whedon fanboi fyi), but most people know her from her internet web series The Guild. Felicia wrote and starred in her own web series instead of playing the Hollywood game and it paid off. She is widely considered the queen of the geeks and I am definitely one of her humble subjects. The Guild is about an oddball group of MMO gamers who struggle with real life. Felicia’s comic delivery is perfect and her characters are believable (if a little crazy and zany) and fun to hang out with. To answer your question Ms. Day… yes, yes I do want to date your avatar. Felicia is hot, cute, silly, and awesome. She is another perfect example of a Unicorn. I love seeing all her projects come to fruition and hope she continues to have success so that I can continue to be entertained by her incredible talent.

Honorable mention: Amy Okuda

Posted on March 9, 2012, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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